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Humanity's School

Religion has been a monumental force in this world. Humans have been worshiping through various belief systems for as long as we can discern. Religious terrorism throughout time has been perhaps the greatest downfall of humanity, but I will save that topic for later.

Today I want to focus on the good things religion has brought us, and the things that many of us are missing out on by not learning more about religion in general. I will try my best to communicate about the variety of religions with respect. If anything I say is incorrect or insensitive, please let me know.

Taoism (or Daoism)

I want to start in the eastern hemisphere with one of my favorites. The teachings of Taoism focus on aligning oneself with the Tao (or Dao). Tao literally translates into "the way." The Tao is much like "God's plan" in Christianity. It is set in its course and it will eventually be accomplished regardless of what tries to stop it. It is often analogized to a river, steady and set in its course. Even if one places a large boulder in the center of the river, it will move around and continue on its course.

Once an individual realizes the unalterable nature of the Tao, they can navigate it in order to find their place within it. They are to be like a leaf that has fallen from a tree and moves with the course of the river. One who is in harmony with the Tao is said to have Te (virtue, or power).

Another aspect of Taoism I want to mention is the Three Treasures. The Three Treasures are attributes that those in Te have or are learning. They are Ci (compassion), Jian (moderation), and bugan wei tianxia xian (usually translated as humility).

These are interesting concepts that we can incorporate into our lives. These teachings teach us to live in harmony with the universe around us. We should quietly assume our place in the way and not hinder its progress. Along the way, we should cultivate compassion, moderation, and humility. If everyone practiced this perfectly, we would live in a different reality. (Wikipedia article on Taoism)


Buddhism is the fourth-largest religion in the world, and it has some teachings that I think could lead to greater satisfaction and happiness in our lives.

The end purpose of the teachings of Buddhism is to reach Nirvana, or liberation. The teachings of Buddhism revolve around human suffering. The teachings center around the idea that human suffering is caused by our tendency to become attached to things that are impermanent. Our attachment to the impermanent keeps us stuck in a cycle (samsara) of rebirth, dukkha (suffering, unsatisfaction), and dying. By learning to let go of the fleeting things, we become free of dukkha. The more things we leave behind, the closer we are to attaining liberation.

Now, I don't necessarily condone the practices of attaining nirvana. There are legends of Buddhas going weeks without food, or other inhumane practices, in order to attain liberation. But I do think the concept is essential. We need to be able to let go of things that are not permanent. We need to have a greater focus on things that are permanent. That is where liberation lies. (Here is an article if you want to read more about Buddhism)


Islam is probably the most misunderstood religion in the US, if not the world. Religious Terrorism has given Islam a bad name, but with it being the second largest religion, I would be as bold as to say that the radical Islamic terrorists are more of an exception than a rule when it comes to this belief system.

What I want to focus on mostly with this religion is its name. In Arabic (and many other middle-eastern languages), words have roots. It is very similar to Latin roots, except in Arabic, roots consist of three consonants. The root in Islam is S-L-M. This root creates a large class of words, and is associated with peace. A possible literal translations of Islam could be "the way of peace." Followers of Islam are known as Muslims, which could be translated as "followers of peace."

My point is that the whole religion is about a search for peace. They submit themselves to religious guidelines that only a few other religious groups can relate to. They travel on vast pilgrimages in order to worship God. They pray multiple times a day in order to find inner peace and connect with God.

I think that many people (especially Christians) would benefit from a study of Islam. Not necessarily to learn anything new, but to realize that we are not that different.


This is probably the least known religion in my list, but it is one on my favorites. This is a Universalistic, or Unitarian, religion. The religion originated from a belief that God sends prophets to Earth to lead and guide individuals. This belief does not discriminate. The religion incorporates the teachings of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad. Essentially, Baha'i accepts all religions as contributing truth and wisdom to the world. This is an idea that I think everyone could benefit from greatly. If we consider the purpose of every religion as a set of teachings to follow in order to bring an individual closer to the Divine and a greater sense of peace, why shouldn't we accept something simply because our specific belief system doesn't teach it?

This religion also teaches the importance of equality among individuals. The teachings condemn slavery and any form of prejudice, as well as emphasizing the equality between men and women. It calls for harmony between religion and science, and encourages the individual worshiper to investigate truth independent of the group.

Baha'i is a truly fascinating belief system, and I would encourage all of you to learn more about it. (Here is a link)

Obviously there are many belief systems that I have not talked about. Religion is as diverse as the world. But I invite you to search out and study new and different ways of worship. Not only will your eyes be opened and understanding enhanced, but your personal convictions and beliefs will be bolstered and clarified. Thanks for reading.

"We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race." Kofi Annan

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